Reveal Default Fields
Table Name | Display Name | Description |
AI_DOCUMENT_ID | AI Document Id | The identifier in the AI system. |
ALERT | Has Alert | Yes/No field that indicates if there are any alerts. Alerts include revisions, hidden data, comments, or linked comments |
ALERT_DETAIL | Alert Detail | Detail which lists alerts found |
ALLRECIPIENTS | All Recipients | All Recipient(s) fields of the email combined in one field. |
APP_CREATED_DATETIME | Application Created Date/Time | Application created Date/Time combined field |
APP_LASTMOD_DATETIME | Application Last Saved Date/Time | Application Last Saved Date/Time combined field |
APP_LASTPRINTED_DATETIME | Last Printed Date/Time | Application Last Printed Date/Time combined field |
APP_META_CATEGORY | Application Category | Category of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_META_COMMENTS | Application Comments | Comments of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_META_KEYWORDS | Application Keywords | Keywords of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_META_REVISION | Application Revision | Revision of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_META_SUBJECT | Application Meta Subject | Subject of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_META_TEMPLATE | Application Template | Template of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
APP_METADATA | Application Metadata | Bucket field containing all efile metadata. |
APP_TYPE | Application Type | In Processing files are grouped under Super Types such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Email, etc. (full list below) to group files together and to map these values to the Application Type field in Review.
• DocType 1 - Databases |
APPTBEGDATE | Appointment Begin Date | Start date of email appointment. |
APPTBEGDATETIME | Appointment Begin Date/Time | Start date and time of the email appointment combined in one field. |
APPTBEGTIME | Appointment Begin Time | Start time of the email appointment. |
APPTENDDATE | Appointment End Date | End date of email appointment. |
APPTENDDATETIME | Appointment End Date/Time | End date and time of the email appointment combined in one field. |
APPTENDTIME | Appointment End Time | End time of the email appointment. |
ASSIGNED_TO | Assigned To | Assigned To |
ASSIGNED_TO_FOLDER | Assignment Folder | Assignment Folder |
ATTACHMENT_COUNT | Attachment Count | Number of attachments (populated for parent documents) |
ATTACHMENT_LIST | Attachment List | Attachment names. |
AUTHOR | Author | Author from application metadata |
BATCHID | Batch ID | Value used to group a set of documents. |
BATESCHILDLIST | Bates Child List | All parent items that have attachments will be populated with the BATESBEG(s) of their attachments. If the parent item has multiple attachments, the BATESBEG values will be separated with a semicolon. |
BCC | Bcc | Bcc email names and addresses |
BEGATTACH | Begin Number Attach | Beginning review control number for parent document |
BEGBATES | Begin Bates | Beginning production number. |
BEGBATESATTACH | Begin Bates Attach | Beginning bates number for parent document (produced) |
BEGDOC | Begin Number | Beginning review control number. |
CC_ADDRESSES | Cc | CC email names and addresses |
COLLECTIONLOCATION | Collection Location | The Collection Location of the file. This information is captured when assigning data to a custodian in the Custodians Module. This can be changed after data assignment by unassigning the data from the Custodian and applying properly when assigning the data to the Custodian again. |
COLLECTIONSOURCE | Collection Source | The Collection Source of the file. This information is captured when assigning data to a Custodian in the Custodians Module. This can be changed after data assignment by unassigning the data from the Custodian and applying properly when assigning the data to the Custodian again. |
COLOR_DETECTION_FOUND_IMAGES | Document Contains Images | Are images present for a document |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_25 | Color Brightness - 25 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.25 |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_30 | Color Brightness - 30 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.30 |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_35 | Color Brightness - 35 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.35 |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_40 | Color Brightness - 40 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.40 |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_45 | Color Brightness - 45 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.45 |
COLOR_DETECTION_STATE_50 | Color Brightness - 50 | The presence of color state for a document at color luminance 0.50 |
COMPANY | Company | Company Information |
CONVBASEINDEX | Conversation Base Index | First 44 characters of Conversation Index of the email; Only applies to Microsoft email. |
CONVERSATION | RSMF conversation entries listing | Populated with the display field in RSMFConversations for all exported events. |
CONVERSATION_ID | Conversation ID | Root Index and tacks on additional first x number of characters. |
CONVERSATION_TOPIC | Conversation Topic | Subject Line without Re/FW |
CONVERSATIONID | RSMF event ID list for conversation | Populated with the Id field in RSMFConversations for all exported events. |
CONVERSATIONPARTICIPANTS | RSMF conversation participants | All participants in a given conversation. |
CONVERSATIONSLICESENDERS | RSMF daily senders | All participants who sent messages within a given 24-hour window. |
CREATION_DATE | OS Creation Date | OS Created Date of file. |
CREATION_TIME | OS Creation Time | OS Created Time of file. |
CUSTODIAN_NAME | Custodian | Custodian name used to group documents. |
CUSTODIANTITLE | Custodian Title | This will apply the information provided within the Title field in the Custodians Module for a particular Custodian for all files assigned to the Custodian. This field can be edited after assigning data to a particular Custodian. This does not have to be a title. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular Custodian, like a bar code, this field could be used for t |
CUSTWITHDUPES | Custodians with Duplicates | If the file is an original file and has duplicates, the original file will be populated with the Custodian name(s) of the Custodians that contain a duplicative copy of the file within the project. This analysis is only performed on the project level. |
CUSTWITHDUPESCUST | Custodians with Duplicates plus current custodian | If the file is an original file and has duplicates, the original file will be populated with the Custodian name(s) of the Custodians that contain a duplicative copy of the file within the project. This analysis is only performed on the project level. |
DATE_CREATED | Application Created Date | Application created Date. |
DE_CLOSESTCONCEPT | Decision Engine Closest Concept | A concept score ranging anywhere from 0.50 to 1.0. A file with a score of 1.0 would be an exact match, a file with a score of 0.60 would be somewhat conceptually related. The Closest Concept is the concept search that is the most conceptually similar to the file in the concept search result. |
DE_CONCEPTGROUPS | Decision Engine Concept Groups | The name of the Discovery Manager Concept Search Group(s) the file is assigned to. If the file belongs to multiple Concept Search Groups, the Concept Search Groups will be separated with a semicolon. |
DE_CONCEPTTERMS | Decision Engine Concept Terms | The responsive concept search term(s) of the file. If there are multiple search terms responsive to the file, the search terms will be separated with a semicolon. |
DE_EMAILTHREADDIRECTION | Decision Engine Thread Direction | Indicates the probable action the sender of the email performed to generate an email. This value will be one of the following: NEW, REPLY, REPLY ALL, FORWARD, and DRAFT. |
DE_EMAILTHREADID | Decision Engine Email Threads | A group identifier to identify all items in the same email thread. This value will be the TVFILEID of the earliest email within the thread. This value is calculated and populated on the thread and family level. All Emails and attachments within the thread will contain the EMAILTHREADID. |
DE_EMAILTHREADISINCLUSIVE | Decision Engine Inclusive Thread | Indicates a subset of emails in an email family that contain all of the text of all of the emails in the family, the field will be TRUE. If a user were to read all emails flagged with this metadata they will have read all authored content of the entire email family without needing to read all of the email items. |
DE_EMAILTHREADNUMITEMS | Decision Engine Thread Document Count | Indicates the number of total items within the thread (all emails and attachments). |
DE_NDFAMILYID | Decision Engine Family ID | A group identifier to identify all items in the same textual near-duplicate group. This value will be the TVFILEID of the principal item in the group, which is the item against which all other group members were compared. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. |
DE_NDNUMCHARS | Decision Engine Number of Characters | The number of characters found in the item text. This will include all words (including numbers). Uses of this value could include special handling of near duplicates of very short texts and ordering items within a near-duplicate group by size. This value is calculated and populated on the file level. |
DE_NDPARENT | Decision Engine Near Duplicate Parent | If the file which is considered the principal item of the near duplicate group which all other group members are compared against, this field will be TRUE. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. |
DE_NDSIMILARITY | Decision Engine Similarity Score | The similarity of an item compared to the principal item of a near-duplicate group. This value is expressed as a decimal percent in the range of [0-100]. The principal item of the group, and any exact duplicate of it, will always have a value of 100. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. |
DE_QUERY | Decision Engine Queries | The Decision Engine Query(s) of the file. If there are multiple Queries responsive to the file, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
DE_TAGS | Decision Engine Tags | The name of the Decision Engine Tag(s) assigned to the file. If the file belongs to multiple Tags within the Decision Engine, the Tags will be separated with a semicolon. |
DECRYPTIONPASSWORD | Decryption Password | The password used to access the file if it has been decrypted through the Password Bank. |
DECRYPTED | Decrypted | If the file was decrypted within Discovery Manager, the value will be TRUE. |
DELIVERYREPORTREQ | Delivery Report Requested | If the email was a delivery report, the value will be TRUE. |
DM_DUPEID | Discovery Manager Dupe ID | The Discovery Manager duplicate identifier. Only populated with the TVFILEID of the original file if the file is a duplicate within the system. |
DM_IMPORTQCCOMMENT | Discovery Manager QC Comments | The Import QC comment applied to the file when the file was moved to OC Cleared by the user. |
DM_INDEXSTATUS | Processing Index Status | |
DM_ISREDACTED | Is Redacted | If redacted images were imported for the file, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
DM_PARENTID | Discovery Manager Parent ID | The Discovery Manager parent identifier. Only populated for attachments, archive children, and embedded objects with the TVFILEID of the parent item. |
DM_PROJECTNAME | Project Name | Name of the Discovery Manager project |
DOCUMENT_AUTHOR | Document Author | Generic author field; Useful for merged author or coded author |
DOCUMENT_TYPE_DESC | App Name | Original file name of file. |
DOMAINS | Sender Recipient Domains | Sender and Recipient domains combined into one field. Where applicable. |
DUPEPATHS | Duplicate Document Path | Only populated on original items. This will contain the RelativePathParent(s) for all duplicate files separated by a semicolon. This will not include the original file’s RelativeParentPath. |
DUPEPATHSWITHORIG | Duplicate Document Path Include Orig | This field is the same as DUPEPATHS with one exception. If the Custodian that contains the original copy of the file does not contain a duplicate copy within their population their name will not be included in the DUPEPATHS field. However, in the DUPEPATHSWITHORG field in this example, the original Custodian’s RelativePathParent would be populated. |
EFILETITLE | Application File Title | Title of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. |
EMAIL_UNREAD | Email Unread | False/True field to indicate if email was read by an original mailbox user. False = Read; True = Unread |
EMAILADDRESSESALL | All Addresses | All Email address fields (Sender and Recipients) of the email combined in one field. |
EMAILDATERECEIVED | Email Date Received | Date Received of the email. |
EMAILDATETIMERECEIVED | Email Datetime Received | Date Received date and time of the email combined in one field. |
EMAILFOLDER | Email Folder | Folder where the email item originated. Populated on parent emails only. |
EMAILINTFILEPATH | Email Internal File Path | Relative file path to email inside of the archive. For example, if the email was in the Financials folder underneath the Inbox folder, this would read Inbox\Financials |
EMAILITEMTYPE | Email Item Type | The item type of the email according to native application. |
EMAILPRIORITY | Email Priority | Priority of the email. |
EMAILSENSITIVITY | Email Sensitivity | The Sensitivity of the email is the level of importance for an email ( This applies to Outlook email from 2007 and later only. |
EMAILTIMERECEIVED | Email Time Received | Time Received of the email. |
EMAILTRANSPORTHEADERS | Email Header | Email Transport Header of the email; Only applies to Microsoft email. |
ENCRYPTED | Encrypted | If the file is encrypted, the value will be TRUE. |
ENDATTACH | End Number Attach | Ending review control number for last child document |
ENDBATES | End Bates | Ending production number. |
ENDBATESATTACH | End Bates Attach | Ending bates number for last child document (produced) |
ENDDOC | End Number | Ending review control number. |
ENTRY_ID | Entry ID | Message Store Entry ID (not internet message ID) |
EXCEPTION_TYPE | Exception Type | Exception Description |
EXIFLATITUDE | EXIF Latitude | Location metadata for digital image content. |
EXIFLONGITUDE | EXIF Longitude | Location metadata for digital image content. |
EXPORTED_NATIVE_FILE | Exported Native File | Location of native file within processing system. |
EXPORTEDFILEEXT | Exported File Extension | Exported extension of the file. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would read MHT. |
EXPORTFILESIZE | File Size (Exported) in bytes | Size of the exported file in bytes. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would be populated with the size of the MHT file, and not the size of the original MSG file. |
FAMILY_RELATIONSHIP | Family Relationship | Relationship to other documents |
FILE_EXTENSION | Extension | Original extension of the file. |
FILE_SIZE | File Size (Kb) | File size in KB |
FILEIDCHILDLIST | File ID Child List | All parent items that have attachments will be populated with the FILEID(s) of their attachments. If the parent item has multiple attachments, the FILEID values will be separated with a semicolon. |
FILEIDPARENTID | Exported Parent ID | Populated for children with the exported FileID of the corresponding parent item. |
FILESIZE | File Size (bytes) | Size of the original file in bytes. |
FILESIZEKB | File Size in Kb | Size of the original file in kilobytes. |
FILTERING_EFFECTIVE_HIT | Filtering Effective Hit | Keyword that pulled document into review set |
FILTERING_KEYWORDS | Filtering Keywords | Keywords used to filter or identify potentially relevant documents |
FOREIGN_LANGUAGES | Foreign Languages | Multi-value listing the 3 top languages. |
HASEMBEDDEDOBJECTS | Has Embedded Objects | If the file has an embedded object(s), the value will be TRUE. |
HASHIDDENCONTENT | Has Hidden Content | If the file has hidden object(s), the value will be TRUE. |
HASPATTERN | Has Pattern | If the file matches at least 1 pattern, the value will be true. |
HIDDENCONTENT | Hidden Content | Category of hidden content. |
IMAGE_LABELS | Image Labels | All of the labels for an image |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_55 | Image Labels Over 55 | Image Labels with a confidence over 55 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_60 | Image Labels Over 60 | Image Labels with a confidence over 60 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_65 | Image Labels Over 65 | Image Labels with a confidence over 65 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_70 | Image Labels Over 70 | Image Labels with a confidence over 70 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_75 | Image Labels Over 75 | Image Labels with a confidence over 75 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_80 | Image Labels Over 80 | Image Labels with a confidence over 80 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_85 | Image Labels Over 85 | Image Labels with a confidence over 85 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_90 | Image Labels Over 90 | Image Labels with a confidence over 90 |
IMAGE_LABELS_OVER_95 | Image Labels Over 95 | Image Labels with a confidence over 95 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_60 | Image Labels Under 60 | Image Labels with a confidence under 60 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_65 | Image Labels Under 65 | Image Labels with a confidence under 65 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_70 | Image Labels Under 70 | Image Labels with a confidence under 70 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_75 | Image Labels Under 75 | Image Labels with a confidence under 75 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_80 | Image Labels Under 80 | Image Labels with a confidence under 80 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_85 | Image Labels Under 85 | Image Labels with a confidence under 85 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_90 | Image Labels Under 90 | Image Labels with a confidence under 90 |
IMAGE_LABELS_UNDER_95 | Image Labels Under 95 | Image Labels with a confidence under 95 |
IMAGEMANUAL | Image Manual | If the file was manually imaged within QC, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
IMAGEPLACEHOLDER | Image Place Holder | If the file has no images associates with it, and an image placeholder exists for the file, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
IMAGEQCCOMMENT | Image QC Comment | Displays the QC Comment of the file if the file was moved to QC Cleared and a comment was applied within QC. |
IMAGESTATUS | Image Status | The image status of the file. Not Imaged = The file has not been imaged yet; Not Supported = the file is not supported for system imaging; Success = the file was successfully imaged; Errored = The system attempted to image but errored it out; Pending = the file is within an imaging job but has not been imaged yet. |
IMPORTPATH | Import Path | Original file path of the associated with the file name. |
IS_PRODUCED | Produced | Y/N field to indicate if field has been produced |
ISADUPLICATE | Is A Duplicate | If the file is duplicate: TRUE; If the file is not duplicate: FALSE |
ISEMBEDDEDOBJECT | Embedded Object | If the file is an embedded object, the value will be TRUE. |
ISPARENT | Is Parent | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with TRUE. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with FALSE. |
ITEMID | Item ID | The Reveal unique identifier. |
JOB_NAME | Job Name | Name associated with batch or group of documents |
LANGUAGE | Detected Languages | The language(s) identified within the file. Up to 3 languages will be identified for a given file. If the file contains more than 1 language, the languages will be separated by a semicolon, and will be ordered in percentage of the language contained within the file from largest to smallest. |
LANGUAGECHAR | Language Character Count | The language(s) identified within the file followed by their character count within the file. Up to 3 languages will be identified for a given file. If the file contains more than 1 language, the languages will be separated by a semicolon, and will be ordered in percentage of the language contained within the file from largest to smallest |
LAST_ACCESS_DATE | OS Last Access Date | OS Last Accessed Date. |
LAST_ACCESS_TIME | OS Last Access Time | OS Last Accessed Time. |
LAST_DOCUMENT_ACTION | Last Document Action | Last Document Type |
LAST_MODIFIED_DATE | OS Saved Date | OS Last Modified Date. |
LAST_MODIFIED_TIME | OS Saved Time | OS Last Modified Time. |
LAST_PRINTED_DATE | Last Printed Date | Date the application last printed the file (MS Office and Adobe) |
LAST_PRINTED_TIME | Last Printed Time | Time the application last printed the file (MS Office and Adobe) |
LAST_SAVED_DATE | Application Last Saved Date | Application Last Modified Date. |
LAST_SAVED_TIME | Application Last Saved Time | Application Last Modified Time. |
MASTERDATE | Master Date | Efiles = Last ModifiedDate. If Last Modified Date is not available then Creation Date; Email & Attachment = Date Sent of parent email. This field is used for the date restrictions within Discovery Manager. |
MASTERDATETIME | Master Date Time | MASTERDATE and MASTERTIME combined into one field. |
MASTERTIME | Master Time | Efiles = Last Modified Time. If Last Modified Time is not available then Creation Time; Email & Attachment = Time Sent of parent email. |
MD5_HASH | Duplicate ID | Hash value used to identify duplicates |
MEDIADESCRIPTION | Media Description | This will apply the information provided within the Description field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used f |
MEDIAMANUFACTURER | Media Manufacturer | This will apply the information provided within the Manufacturer field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a media manufacturer. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be |
MEDIAMODEL | Media Model | This will apply the information provided within the Model Number field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used |
MEDIASERIAL | Media Serial Number | This will apply the information provided within the Serial Number field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used |
MESSAGE_ID | Internet Message ID | Internet Message ID |
MSGNO | Message Number | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with their ‘I’TVFILEID’S’TVFILEID. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the ‘I’Parent item’s TVFILEID’S’Attachment’s TVFILEID, etc. So if a parent email has the TVFILEID 1 and has one attachment that has the TVFILEID 2 the parent email = I1S1 and the attachment = I1S2 |
NAME | File Name | File name of the document; Message ID of email. |
OCR_FLAG | Ocr Flag | Ocr Flag |
OCR_PATH | Ocr Path | Location of the OCR text file on the file system. |
OS_CREATED_DATETIME | OS Creation Date/Time | OS Created Date/Time combined field |
OS_LASTACCESS_DATETIME | OS Last Access Date/Time | OS Last Accessed Date/Time combined field |
OS_LASTMOD_DATETIME | OS Saved Date/Time | OS Last Modified Date/Time combined field |
PAGE_COUNT | Page Count | Page Count of Document |
PARENT_ITEMID | Parent ID | The Reveal family identifier. Populated with the ITEMID of the parent record. |
PARENTCHILDDOCID | Parent Child Document ID | All efiles, parent emails, and loose parent emails will be populated with their FILEID_001. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the parent item’s FILEID_002, etc. So if a parent email has the FILEID TV-00000001 and has one attachment TV-00000002 the parent email = TV-00000001_001 and the attachment = TV-00000001_002. |
PARENTCHILDMD5 | Parent Child Document MD5 | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with their MD5 hash value twice. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the parent item’s MD5 hash followed immediately by their MD5 hash. |
PATTERNNAME | Pattern Name | The Pattern Names of the file. If there are multiple Patterns responsive to the file, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
PRODUCTION_PAGE_COUNT | Production Page Count | The page count after production job. |
PROJECTPATH | Project Path | File path to the native file stored in the project’s Processing Folder. This is the doclink field for Relativity® Exports when using the Set File Links (Processing Path) & Copy Files for the Native File Copy Mode setting. |
PUBLIC_FOLDERS | Work Folders | Public Folders |
RAW_TRANSCRIPTION | Raw Transcription | The default Audio/Video Transcription text set load file field. |
READRECEIPTREQ | Read Receipt Requestted | If the email was a read receipt email, the value will be TRUE. |
RECEIVED_DATE | Date Received | Received date for e-mail |
RECEIVED_TIME | Time Received | Received time for e-mail |
RECIPIENT | To | Combination of Recipient Name and Address |
RECIPIENTCOUNT | Recipient Count | Total number of recipients of the email. |
RELATIVE_PATH | Folder | Location of native file on file system or email. |
RELATIVENATIVEFILE | Exported Relative Native File | Relative file path to the deliverable native file. |
RELATIVEPATHPARENT | Relative Path Parent | Recommended over RELATIVEPATH. This is the original file path of the associated file without the file name for the parent item. The difference between REALTIVEPATH and RELATIVEPARENTPATH is if the file is an attachment or embedded object, the RELATIVPATH will contain the full path to these items including the parent item’s name. For example, an email attachment’s RELATIVEPATH = Test.PST\Inbox\0000 |
RELATIVETEXTFILE | Exported Relative Text File | Relative file path to the deliverable text file. |
RELEVANCE | Relevance | Search Relevance |
REVIEW_NOTES | Review Notes | Review Notes |
SENDER | From | Combination of Sender Name and Address |
SENT_DATE | Date Sent | Sent date for e-mail |
SENT_TIME | Time Sent | Sent time for e-mail |
SENTONBEHALFOF | Sent on Behalf of | The email address of an individual that has granted others Send On Behalf permission to another user or a delegate. For example, if John Doe ( has granted Bob Doe ( to be a delegate to send email on John’s behalf, and Bob has sent an email on John’s behalf, this field would be populated with John’s email address, whereas Bob’s email address would be populated in the F |
SOURCE | Source | Source field for additional original location information |
SOURCEPATH | Source Path | Added to Processing load file options to update Field mappings. This field contains the top level folder selected at import. |
SUBJECT | Subject | Subject |
TAG_SET_1 | Confidentiality Designation | Tag Set |
TAG_SET_2 | Privileged | Tag Set |
TAG_SET_3 | Responsiveness | Tag Set |
TAG_SET_4 | Privilege Reason | Tag Set |
THREAD_IN_REPLY_TO | Email In-Reply-To | Email In-Reply-To ID used to pull together email threads |
THREAD_REFERENCES | Email References | Internet references used to pull together email threads |
TIME_CREATED | Application Created Time | Application created Time. |
TIMEZONE | Time Zone | |
TRANSCRIPT_FOLDERS | Transcript Folders | Transcript Folders |
TYPEDOCUMENT | Type of Document | Efile = EFILE; Parent Email = EMAIL; Attachment/Embedded Object = ATTACHMENT. |
TYPEDOCUMENTPARENT | Type of Parent Document | Efile = EFILE; Parent Email/Attachment/Embedded Object = EMAIL. |
UTCOFFSET | UTC Offset | This is the time zone offset from GMT that the data was processed in. For example, if the data was processed in GMT-5 this would be populated with -5.00. |
VOLUMENAME | Volume Name | The name of the Volume assigned to the file. This is only populated when using the Enable Volume and Folder Options. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEINTERNETRECIPIENTS | Zantaz Recipients (Domino/Notes) | Domino/Notes: Lists the internet addresses of each recipient on a thread ( and not what appears in the mail client (Doe, John). Groups are expanded so each recipient is listed. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALFROM | Zantaz Sender | Domino/Notes: Lists the sender of the email item. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALRECIPIENTS | Zantaz Recipient Names | Domino/Notes: Lists the view of recipients (Doe, John) and not the internet address ( |
ZANTAZARCHIVERECIPIENTS | Zantaz Recipients Expanded | Domino/Notes: Provides the same information as ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALRECIPIENTS except groups are expanded. |
ZANTAZRECIP | Zantaz All Email Recipients (Outlook) | Exchange/Outlook: Every recipient on an email thread (i.e., TO, CC, BCC) for Zantaz emails. |