Related Items – Families, Duplicates, Near Duplicates, Email Threads or Custom Relational Fields
When in Document Review, the various panes appear, allowing you to code and tag your documents as well as navigate through related items.
If Family Documents, Duplicates, Near Duplicates or Email Threads are present, the coding window shows these connections and allows you to review and code these related items together or in sequence.
The original document is displayed in bold black.
These panes can be expanded or collapsed as needed. If the document doesn’t have any related items, then these panes do not appear.
You may navigate between documents by using the item in the items listed in each pane.
Duplicates will be identical, as calculated by comparison of content hash values.
Near Duplicates will each be followed by a number in parentheses indicating the degree of similarity to the principal (or first-encountered) near duplicate in the set. Any two of these documents may be selected and directly compared.
The Diff button highlighted in the above figure opens a two-paned Diff window which compares the two selected near duplicate examples side-by-side with lines numbered, highlighting changes in red for deletions and yellow for additions.
Family Members will usually be emails and attachments, or other content coded to show a parent-child relationship.
Email Threads will contain an email conversation as defined by thread and coversation metadata augmented by Reveal AI analysis.
Any such set may be included for coding with the opened review document by choosing Select All in the upper left corner of each pane.
There are three settings for tag update coding that will be applied to all related documents that are selected:
No Change (dash)
Add Tag (checkmark)
Remove Tag (uncheck)
When selecting related items for coding, Reveal will ask for confirmation before saving and moving to the next document and show all current profile tags to be applied and removed by the current action. Here is the confirmation for the above selections:
You also can create custom relations between documents in the review pane by associating metadata values in Relational fields. Whether you have some custom clustering algorithm or just want to see all documents having the same import folder, relational fields provides provides you the ability to create custom links between documents to tie them together. For this, you will need to create a field and enable the relational flag to group these documents together.
For more detail, see Custom Relational Fields.