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Reveal Review Publication


Client Administrators can set up auto-assignment batching for users and teams with notifications under this screen.


Notifications is where users and teams are configured to receive alerts when a reviewer's assignments are complete, or additionally when a reviewer has fewer than a designated number of documents remaining. 

Auto-Assign is where automatic document batching is configured and maintained.

  • Click +Add to create a new assignment job. A window will open with five tabs:

    • Search is where a Saved Search is selected to run on a cyclical basis and populate the auto-assignment pool.

    • Folders is where you may create new or add to an existing set of batch folders and optionally set a document limit per folder.

    • Users assigns the batch to a Pool, a Team, or Users as specified in the list at the bottom of this window.

    • Sort specifies the sort order of each batch, defaulting to ItemID.

    • Other sets

      • Job Name.

      • Document Security (by Team).

      • Tag Profile to be used with the batch.

      • Search Frequency for updating the pool of documents for batching, from 30 minutes to 24 hours (1 hour is default).

      • Minimum Docs to Assign may be specified or left at No Limit.

    • When the job settings are complete, click Create.

    • Start the job from the Auto-Assign table Status for the job.