Client Administrators can set up auto-assignment batching for users and teams with notifications under this screen.
Notifications is where users and teams are configured to receive alerts when a reviewer's assignments are complete, or additionally when a reviewer has fewer than a designated number of documents remaining.
Auto-Assign is where automatic document batching is configured and maintained.
Click +Add to create a new assignment job. A window will open with five tabs:
Search is where a Saved Search is selected to run on a cyclical basis and populate the auto-assignment pool.
Folders is where you may create new or add to an existing set of batch folders and optionally set a document limit per folder.
Users assigns the batch to a Pool, a Team, or Users as specified in the list at the bottom of this window.
Sort specifies the sort order of each batch, defaulting to ItemID.
Other sets
Job Name.
Document Security (by Team).
Tag Profile to be used with the batch.
Search Frequency for updating the pool of documents for batching, from 30 minutes to 24 hours (1 hour is default).
Minimum Docs to Assign may be specified or left at No Limit.
When the job settings are complete, click Create.
Start the job from the Auto-Assign table Status for the job.