Faceted Search & Entity Launchpad Panels
Faceted Search and Entity Launchpad display the actual content of the documents:
By clicking the arrow on the left side of the screen, users can collapse or expand the Entity Launchpad and Faceted Search Panel.
Entities included in this menu are Topics, Places, People, Organizations, Categories, Super Categories, Clusters, Money, Communicators and Domains.
Items are ranked by score and volume, with darker shades reflecting a stronger score and longer bars representing a larger volume.
Clicking on an entity will allow you to preview search results with visualizations in both the Connection Map & Tree Map views.
By clicking the “Options” button to the right of the number in parentheses, users can add any of the entities in the Launchpad to the search bar to refine returned threads.
Users can open the Entity Launchpad by clicking on the Icon in the upper left corner. This will open a full list of entities in a pop-up window. See Section 4 of this User Guide for more details.