Managing Fields
In the Fields window under the Project Setup pane you can create new and edit existing fields. Reveal has a pre-built set of fields that are automatically generated with the new project and are commonly used in many databases. Custom fields can be created as needed, but for consistency you should review the default fields to see if a field that meets your needs already exists. See also Project Admin > Fields in the Review interface.
Fields has the following columns commonly used during field setup:
Table Name – The SQL column name in the table storing the fielded information. No spaces or dashes may be used; underscores are permitted.
Display Name – The default display name you would like users to see when using this field. Spaces are permitted here.
Maximum Length – The amount of data the field is set to accommodate.
Data Type – The type of data the field will hold.
Description – A description of the field content.
MultiValue – Whether or not the field may hold more than one value per document record.
The 3 default required fields (BatchID, ITEMID and BEGDOC) are colored in yellow. Custom created fields are shaded green and will appear at the bottom of the table. For a description of all default Reveal project database fields, see Reveal Default Fields.
Creating New Fields
You may find that there are fields you need which are not present in the default set, or that an existing field may need to be modified in order to accommodate your needs.
In the Manage Fields window, the New Field button allows you to create a new field in the database.
Select New Field.
Enter the details for the field as described in the list below.
Choose Add Field to complete the process.
Field Table Name- The SQL column name. Cannot include spaces or dashes; underscores are permitted.
Field Display Name- The name displayed to the user in Reveal. May include spaces.
Field Data Type– The field types are:
Boolean- A True/False value
Date - Multiple date formats supported (Example: DD/MM/YYYY)
Date\Time- Date and Time combined (Example: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
Float - Number with decimal point and unlimited precision after decimal
Integer- Whole numbers, no decimal
Numeric- Number with decimal point to 17 digits
Text - Alpha numeric values
Time- Time (Example: HH:MM:SS)
Field Maximum length- The size of the field. Any data beyond a field’s max length will get truncated during data loading.
Is Document Number Field– Indicates if field shall be used as a key field when loading images or updating data during Production Update.
Is Searchable– Indicates whether the field should be indexed in SQL for searching. If a field is in the SQL index then the field can be searched using the contains operator or within Refine search -> Text -> Metadata.
Is Updateable- Indicates whether the field should permit values to be modified. This attribute should be reserved largely to Custom fields, never for metadata.
Is MultiValue Field– Indicates that the field may contain multiple values per document record. This setting allows the field to be parsed.
Tally Enabled – Indicated whether a field could be used to report field value counts in the Review Document List. This function has been removed as of Release 10.
Is Transcript Lookup - Designates the field to be a transcript reference field and be one of the selections in the Document Link Lookup By dropdown menu in a Transcript Pane. The user will be able to query this field and retrieve documents using a unique document ID.
Many of these settings can also be managed in the web user interface with the Project Admin > Fields function.
Fields that do not currently exist in a project may also be imported from a load file using the Import Fields button in the Add new custom import field dialog box. This takes the Field Table Name from the header row, lets you input a Field Display Name, keeps the other import settings from field to field. For example, if you have several date fields, it is a best practice to add all of those in one group; given a bunch of Text fields, do those together, and so on, so that the field attribute settings do not need to be modified for this process.
Select Import Profile specifies the delimiter type used in the load file.
Select Import Data File retrieves the load file whose field specification will be parsed. Any new fieldnames discovered will be added to the Reveal project.
Next see Mapping Import Fields to review matching load file contents to Reveal project fields for import.