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Reveal Review Publication

Predictive Coding – TAR 1.0 Workflow Initialization


As of Release 6.7 clients will no longer be able to create new Predictive Coding sessions. Existing Predictive coding sessions are not disabled, they can continue to be used in the near term. It is highly recommended that clients use CMML with ACS as a replacement for PC.

Most of the Predictive coding configuration in Reveal Review is done automatically when you create a new classification in Brainspace. With a dataset open in Brainspace, click the Supervised Learning button located in the upper right-hand corner.


Once the page loads, click the New Classifier button and select Predictive Coding as the type.

The settings on the next popup are beyond the scope of this document. In order to test the workflow you can leave the defaults as is with the exception of the number of control set documents to review toward the bottom. Lower this to a manageable number and click Start Session.


There will be a small delay while the setup is done in Reveal Review after which you will see the following:


The popup is polling and will show progress updates as documents are reviewed in Reveal Review. Once 100% percent are complete, the Retrieve Control Set button will be enabled.
