Searching With Filters
From the main Document window and within the windows for Work Folders, there is the option to use Filters on the document list that is displayed.
Text filters can be applied to any field by selecting the Filter control to the right of the Review toolbar, then clicking the filter icon that appears in the column heading. In the Filter <fieldname> window enter:
the comparison operator to be used in the filter, selected from
is like
is not like
starts with
does not start with
does not contain
has any
has none
has all
For explanation of how each of these operators works, see Review Search Operators.
the text upon which to filter.
These filters are applied only to the items in the current document view. And the terms in the filter field are highlighted in the document until the filter is cleared. Turning off the Filter control does not clear the filter - you must open the filled column filter icon to remove the filter.
Notes on Filters:
Multiple entries can be used to further narrow down your filter.
Partial text can be used if you have selected the Is Like modifier.
The Has Any modifier allows you to select from a list of options.
You cannot use wildcards in filters.