Fields - Pick Lists & Dropdowns
There is an option to connect a list to a field so options are populated for reviewers. The list can be auto-populated by user entries or can be imported from a list created in the Reveal Review Manager.
Adding a List Field
Custom Fields are added under Fields in Project Admin.
Go to Add Fields.
See Creating a Field to review this part of the process.
Go to Field Profiles.
Add the new field to a selected profile. See Creating a Field Profile to review adding a field to the profile.
Go to Manage Fields.
Select the Field Profile (or the first, if added to several profiles) into which you have placed the new list field.
Select the field to be associated with the List created in Reveal Review Manager. This must be done in each profile containing the field with which you want to associate the List.
Change Effective Data Type to List.
Set the number of Display Lines. The example here shows 2, but since lists cannot be Multi-Value fields 1 line will suffice.
Select the List Type from either Managed or Automatic.
If specifying a list created and curated in Reveal Review Manager, select Managed.
An Automatic list will look to existing column values and dynamically populate the list from those values.
Specify whether or not the List should be Appendable, that is, should reviewers be able to add values to the list.
Choose the Linked List from those created in Reveal Review Manager.
Make sure that Updatable is set to Yes.
Click Update to save.
Coding a Picklist in Review
When seeking to use a List field in review, make sure to select a Field Profile containing the List field as configured.
Open a document for review; the following assumes that Fields are not Locked.
Fields may be viewed and coded either under the Fields Pane on the left of the Document Review Screen or in the Metadata View.
The field should appear as a picklist from which the reviewer may select a choice, and Append an additional choice if permitted.