Faceted Search and Entity Launchpad
Faceted Search is a quick and compact means to modify search results based on categorical information. It is more focused than the Entity Launchpad described below. By default, Faceted Search shows the top 3 results for various entity types such as Domains, Topics, or Communicators. Users can click the More button to return the top 10 results instead of the top 3. A complete list of standard entity types appears below in E. Entity Launchpad.
Click on the links below for details on each subject.
Faceted Search is a quick search method based on a storybook's categorical information. Weighted categories may be selected for further examination by Topics, communicators or other listed entity criteria.
By clicking on an entity in the Faceted Search, users can immediately visualize and preview the entity in the Connection Map or the Tree Map.
While in Connection Map view, clicking on an entity on the left Faceted Search panel will allow the user to preview the entity in the Connection Map, and preview search results on the Thread Preview panel on the right.
While in Tree Map view, clicking on an entity on the left Faceted Search panel will allow the user to preview the entity in the Tree Map, and preview search results on the Thread Preview panel on the right.
Users can open the Entity Launchpad by clicking on the Icon in the upper left corner on the main page. This is a comprehensive view of the entity information introduced in the more focused Faceted Search described above.
Occasionally Reveal AI makes incorrect merges, or misses merging two of the same people during processing. This can be fixed by using the Merge entities, Move mentions or Move email addresses features in the Launchpad.