Reveal AI Release Notes V3.20.00 GA
Reveal AI Release Notes - Version 3.20.00 GA (Release Date: 12/12/2023)
Type | Category | Item | Description |
Update | Security | Security Updates | This release includes multiple 3rd party library security updates and patches. For a full list or the status of a specific library, contact your Customer Support Manager. |
New | Models | Training | There is a new setting offered on the Referenced Models setting page. It controls how user-provided labeling input is considered in combination with the pre-training model input in the reference models associated to a COSMIC group. |
New | Services | Time Synchronization | Added a new message will appear on the Sys Admin > Service Workers page if the web server and SQL server datetimes are different "Your Database Server and API Server clocks are not synchronized. This may cause services to show CHECK_IN_WARNING or CHECK_IN_ERROR even though the service is functioning correctly." |
Update | COSMIC Groups | HPC | Made a small correction the High-Precision Classification (HPC) drop-down to show the current COSMIC group on top, above the list of other COSMIC groups. |
Update | Reports | Download | If a there is a blank scoring round, meaning a closed COSMIC cycle with no recorded Control Set data but with an ID, it will be included in the Download Score History report CSV. |
Update | Reports | Download | If a there is a blank scoring round, meaning a closed COSMIC round with no recorded data like scores but with an ID, it will be included in the Download Control Set report CSV, with the columns having a dash – for the blank rounds. |
Fix | Connectors | Relativity® ONE | This fix addresses a known issue "Too Many Redirects" when trying to open Story Engine from Relativity® ONE in the Firefox browser, but not Chrome or Edge. This issue persists in Chrome and Edge as of this release, with continued efforts from Relativity® and Reveal to resolve but no timeline as this moment. |
Fix | Display | Dashboard | Corrects a default value of a setting, IsDashboardEnabled to TRUE, as it was in 3.00 and 3.10. |
Fix | Tenancy | Processing | Resolved scenario where the region filter was not active according to its designated default, showing processing jobs from more regions than intended for a brief moment. Scenario previously resolved in 3.10.x, solution also updated in 3.20. |
Fix | View Classifier | Reports | Corrected a rare occurrence, where the COSMIC group score report page wouldn't open from the thread viewer window. |