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Reveal Review Publication

Reveal AI Billing Script

Reveal AI utilizes monthly usage reports in order to provide feedback during monthly/quarterly business reviews, and if applicable, confirm your license has not been exceeded. We request that these reports be filed by the 5th of every month. 

Reveal Support offers an automated audit script to gather current usage and capacity details (no confidential data) and summarize the results in a text file for review by Reveal. No actual user or dataset details are included in the script output, only data metrics.

1. Copy the following script into a text file named Billing v5.sql.

2. Run the script.

3. Export into a .CSV format.

4. Send to

use nexlpadmin 

--create table #tempTable(name varchar(500), current_cnt int)  

IF OBJECT_ID (N'nexlp.NexLPBilling', N'U') IS  NULL 

create table nexlp.NexLPBilling (Id int identity primary key, name varchar(500), current_cnt int, DateRun datetime, RunCounter int)

IF NOt EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns 

          WHERE Name = N'StoryBookID'

          AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'nexlp.NexLPBilling'))

alter table nexlp.NexLPBilling add StoryBookID int

IF NOt EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns 

          WHERE Name = N'Last_COSMIC_Time' 

        AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'nexlp.NexLPBilling'))

alter table nexlp.NexLPBilling add Last_COSMIC_Time DateTime 

IF NOt EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns 

          WHERE Name = N'Last_Processing_Time' 

        AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'nexlp.NexLPBilling'))

alter table nexlp.NexLPBilling add Last_Processing_Time DateTime 

IF NOt EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns 

          WHERE Name = N'StoryBookCreationTime'

          AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'nexlp.NexLPBilling'))

alter table nexlp.NexLPBilling add StoryBookCreationTime Datetime

declare @run int 

select @run = coalesce(max(RunCounter), 0) + 1 from nexlp.NexLPBilling

declare @storybookid as int 

declare @name as varchar(500) 

declare @dbname as varchar(500)

declare @creationtime as datetime 

declare @sql as varchar(2000) 

declare cur cursor for

select id, name, outputdatabasename, CreatedDate from nexlp.storybook

open cur 

fetch cur into @storybookid, @name, @dbname, @creationtime

while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) 


set @sql = 'insert into nexlp.NexLPBilling( name, StoryBookID, StoryBookCreationTime, current_cnt, DateRun, RunCounter) ' +   'select ''' + replace(@name, '''', '''''')  + ''' as name, ' + cast(@storybookid as varchar(10)) + ', ''' + cast(@creationtime as varchar(20)) + ''', count(*) as current_cnt,  GetDate(), ' + cast(@run as varchar(10)) +  ' from [' + @dbname + '].nexlp.copy '



fetch cur into @storybookid, @name, @dbname, @creationtime


close cur

deallocate cur

update a set a.Last_COSMIC_Time = (select top 1 CreatedDate from nexlp.ActiveLearningProcessQueue where storybookid = a.storybookid order by CreatedDate desc) 

from nexlp.NexLPBilling a where RunCounter = @run

update a set a.Last_Processing_Time = (select top 1 CreatedDate from nexlp.ProcessingJob where OutputStorybookId = a.storybookid order by CreatedDate desc) 

from nexlp.NexLPBilling a where RunCounter = @run

select StoryBookID, b.Name, current_cnt as Totalcount, StoryBookCreationTime, Last_Processing_Time, Last_COSMIC_Time, RunCounter

from nexlp.NexLPBilling a inner join nexlp.Storybook b on a.StoryBookID = b.Id where RunCounter = @run

select sum(current_cnt) as EnvironmentTotal from nexlp.NexLPBilling where RunCounter = @run

Please send as soon as you can or let us know if you have any questions by contacting