Search Entity
In addition to the filtering options provided in the filtering panel, a user can also search entities or their mentions using the entity searching function listed under the Entities dropdown menu:
Which entities are displayed is determined by admin configuration.
You may also create new Custom Entity types meeting your requirements and keying off your data. See Section 5 - Custom Entity Types for details.
Click any of the entity types to bring up the search window. Notice that underneath the search window is the Detection filter.
Choose +Detection and you see the following list of possible methods through which entities have been discovered:
Entities may be found by:
Term Report
Entity Model
Each of these is described in Section 5 - Custom Entity Types.
Users can type any keywords in the search window to search mentions associated with the targeted entity type.
An entity can have multiple mentions. For example, the Topic entity “audit” might contain mentions like “audit”, “audit committee”, “audit consideration”. Once an entity is selected in the search bar, the user can choose +Filter mentions and then further narrow down the search results by checking/unchecking the mentions associated with the entity.
Click on the Apply button to confirm the selection.