Appendix G: Thread Item Types
Thread Items Types
When you export threading data from Reveal AI one of the fields is “NexLP_ThreadItemType”. It can have one of the following values:
Inclusive: The most inclusive email in the email chain which is not missing any attachments from included emails. There may be more than one inclusive email per thread.
Inclusive Partial: The most inclusive email in the email chain, but with one or more attachments missing.
Included: Email content is completely included in another email which is identified as "Inclusive" or "Inclusive Partial".
Attachment: If the identical attachment is contained in both an inclusive and included email, the attachment in the inclusive email is designated “attachment”.
Attachment_Secondary: Duplicate attachments in the same thread, by MD5 hash, attached to a different inclusive parent.
Attachment_Duplicate: All other attachments.
Number of unique documents in a data set
In order to retrieve all the unique items in your data set you add: Inclusive + Inclusive Partial + Attachment.
However, in Reveal AI, for a COSMIC workflow, the list of all unique items is comprised of the following item types: Inclusive + Inclusive Partial + Attachment + Attachment_Secondary.
For a family level review, you should add Family to the criteria above.