ReviewSet management
Once the documents are loaded, the next step is to create ReviewSets. A ReviewSet is collection of the documents. The administrators can create multiple ReviewSets and assign them to the reviewers. The administrators do have full access to all the documents, but the reviewers can only access the documents assigned to them through ReviewSets.
The following steps describes how to create ReviewSets and assign them.
Click on the button with three horizonal lines near center-top of the Exolution viewer, that opens a document list. The document list is a table with all the documents in current document set listed in it. The users can open any documents by double-clicking it in the list. The administrators can perform many actions including the creation of ReviewSet and assignment of them to the reviewers.
Select the documents you want to a new ReviewSet by clicking the checkboxes in the first row. Alternatively, you can select multiple rows using the menu ReviewSet Actions ➔ Select Top X.

Click on the menu item Actions ➔ ReviewSet Actions. It displays a form with four options as displayed below. The users can add the selected documents to an existing ReviewSet, or create a new ReviewSet and add document to it. Select a ReviewSet if it is already available, or create a new ReviewSet and select it in order to add the selected documents.

Once the ReviewSets are created, the next step is to assign them to the reviewers. It can be done using ReviewSet Management function. The following displays how to use it.

From the Browse Documents menu, click on ReviewSet Management submenu to open the ReviewSet Management window. On the ReviewSet Management window, select a user from the user list, then select a ReviewSet and click on the right-pointing arrow to assign the ReviewSet.

The reviewers, or non-administrator users can only see the documents in the ReviewSets assigned to them. However, the reviewers cannot access ReviewSets assigned to them unless they have document browsing permission granted. When the casebooks are created, the Browse Documents menu is made invisible to all the non-administrator users. The following steps explains how to make that menu available to the non-administrator users.

From Admin Options menu, click on Reviewer Permissions submenu to open the reviewer’s permission settings. Select Visible under the setting “Display Browse Document Set”, then click Apply button.

This will make the non-administrator reviewers to be able to look at the ReviewSets assigned to them and redact documents in those sets.
Browse documents in the ReviewSets
When a user with non-administrator privileges logs in to Exolution, they will see a blank window without any documents. In order to browse the documents, the users have to select a ReviewSet assigned to them, which can be done by clicking on ReviewSet submenu under Browse Document menu.

Select a ReviewSet and click on the Select ReviewSet button. This loads the documents in the Exolution Viewer and the users can jump between documents using the document navigator.